Josh Kopelman

Josh Kopelman

First Round Capital



Founder and General Partner


Seed fund


In 1992, while he was a student at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, Josh co-founded Infonautics Corporation – and took it public on the NASDAQ stock exchange in 1996. Josh founded in July of 1999, and led it to become one of the largest sellers of used books, movies and music in the world. was acquired by eBay in July 2000.\n\nJosh co-founded First Round Capital in 2004 to reinvent seed-stage investing. Since that time, the firm has invested in over 300 emerging technology startups – becoming one of the most active venture capital firms in the country. Josh has consistently made the Forbes “Midas List” which ranks the top 100 tech investors, earning the number four spot in 2014. Josh has been named one of the top ten ‘angel investors’ in the United States by Newsweek magazine, one of “Tech’s New Kingmakers” by Business 2.0 magazine and a “Rising VC Star” by Fortune magazine. Josh is also the proud winner of a second place ribbon in the 2011 Nantucket Watermelon Eating competition.

About Investments

Josh invests in all industries.

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How they work

We write $1-3M checks targeting 15% ownership.

Please review this investor’s areas of interest, check size, and geographic constraints before making contact: you will have a much higher chance of success if your outreach is targeted.

Disclaimers and footnotes

    Mercury is a fintech company, not an FDIC-insured bank. Banking services provided by Choice Financial Group, Column N.A., and Evolve Bank & Trust, Members FDIC. Deposit insurance covers the failure of an insured bank.