Ivan Alo

Ivan Alo

New Age Capital



Managing Partner


Seed fund


Ivan is Co-Founder and Managing Partner of New Age Capital, a thesis-driven seed stage venture capital firm investing in technology and tech-enabled companies founded and led by Black and Latinx entrepreneurs. New Age Capital aims to work with the best Black and Latinx entrepreneurs in the U.S. across all industries and sectors at the seed stage where founders have exhibited strong domain expertise and have discovered actionable unique insights to address whatever problem they are solving. They look to invest in companies with a product already in the market with at least six months of traction and revenue.

About Investments

Ivan invests in most industries outside of biotech and crypto.




Check Range




Leads Rounds

Prefers to

Investment Highlights

Oui The People, PredictionStrike, Rizse

Get in touch

How they work

We invest at the Seed stage but like to build relationships with founders at the Pre-Seed stage to learn over time how founders execute before raising their Seed round.

Please review this investor’s areas of interest, check size, and geographic constraints before making contact: you will have a much higher chance of success if your outreach is targeted.

Disclaimers and footnotes

    Mercury is a fintech company, not an FDIC-insured bank. Banking services provided by Choice Financial Group, Column N.A., and Evolve Bank & Trust, Members FDIC. Deposit insurance covers the failure of an insured bank.