September 9, 2020
Announcing Mercury Raise

We’re launching Mercury Raise today. Mercury Raise connects startups raising seed rounds with great investors.
If you’re a Mercury customer, you can get started by sending us a little information about your company and a pitch deck. We’ll keep your pitch in our database for one month, get it in front of 40+ angels and VCs (including Elad Gil, Sahil Lavingia, Allison Barr Allen, Sequoia, and Andreessen Horowitz), and personally introduce you if an investor is interested.
We ran a small beta last month that worked well—investors were excited, several introductions were made, and at least two investors committed funds to Raise startups.
Sharing our community
Mercury is focused on helping startups succeed. We think Mercury Raise will be a high impact way of accomplishing this for our early-stage startups for a few reasons:
- Getting your first check is hard. Especially during a pandemic, especially over Zoom. And for founders starting companies outside Silicon Valley, it’s even more difficult to cut through the noise. Luckily, we have deep roots in Silicon Valley, and we know quite a few investors that are excited about our companies. There are incredible startups being built right now. We want to help them get funding no matter where they’re located or how wide their network is.
- We see startups very early on, and we’re excited by what we’re seeing. Many founders open a Mercury account before they’ve bought a domain or designed a logo. Working with our early stage companies holds advantages for both sides of the network—we can make a big impact and help our companies start out on the right foot, and investors are excited by the opportunity to see the freshest possible deals.
- Angel investing is changing. The angel investing landscape is iterating fast. As new angel funds, syndicates, and rolling funds launch, it can be hard to stay on top of what funding opportunities are available, how they work, and what they want to fund. Mercury Raise helps centralize a wild array of angel investing opportunities with minimal founder effort required.
How to apply for Mercury Raise
We’ve built Mercury to help startups succeed. We’re excited about Mercury Raise as a direct, scalable way of keeping our community connected, and we think it’ll make starting a startup just a little bit easier.
To learn more about Mercury Raise and apply to the program, visit
If you have any questions or have an idea for a program you’d like to see us run, just send us an email at [email protected]. We always love to chat.
The Mercury Team